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Late Night Snacks (Mmmm... Pretzels)

Late Night Snacks (Mmmm... Pretzels)

It’s three in the morning, you were woken up not so peacefully, or maybe you were never asleep to begin with, but one thing you do know is you’re hungry! In this article, we’ll discuss late night cravings and whether or not its healthy to satisfy them immediately.

If you find yourself frequently reaching for a late-night snack, it may be due to a lack of sleep. While hunger does tend to rise in the evening period, sleep creates a hormone called leptin that regulates feelings of being full. A lack of that can cause more frequent and intense cravings late at night.

When it comes to snacking itself, negative effects are correlated more towards food choices than the hour consumed. Foods high in carbs have shown to disrupt the time it takes to fall asleep, similarly high fat foods can lower the amount of quality sleep you get when consumed a couple hours before bed. If you’re having a late-night snack, some good choices include Greek yogurt, nuts, and a light helping of crackers or our favorite pretzels.

We hope you found this information on whether late night snacks are harmful to be interesting! At we provide gourmet pretzels from sweet to salty and everything in between. With over 40 flavors baked in micro batches that we continuously are adding to, we are dedicated to providing the perfect pretzels for your own cravings or for others and events. Come view all our gourmet flavors and find the right one for you today!

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